Code Instruction

The present project is aimed to develop a computer program for solving a steady solution with Lattice Boltzmann Method (LBM). The code being used for answering all the question here is written with Python language. This program is to run with simple command:

$ python

Quick instruction for running the simulation

The Python code used for this project can be cloned from repository:

$ git clone

You can also see the code directly by visiting the website: If you clone the code, you will see the following set of files and directories:

$ sayop@reynolds:~$ ls CFM05/
docs  src

docs contains the document files set for the current project using Sphinx software. This pdf document is online available at: The Python script for this simulation is stored in src folder.

Before running the simulation, you need to open the file named using editor for example, VI on unix system:

$ vi

Then, you should be able to see the following set of simulation parameters:

#grid dimension
iDim            61
jDim            61
xmin            0
xmax            60
ymin            0
ymax            60
#boundary conditions
uLeft           0.0
vLeft           0.0
uRight          0.0
vRight          0.0
uBottom         0.0
vBottom         0.0
uUp             10.0
vUp             0.0
# fluid kinematic properties
nu              1.0
pInit           10.0
#simulation setup
pCorr           1
alpha           1.0
pResidual       0.01
maxIter         1
Courant         0.5
dtInit          0.0001
Beta            0.5
residualMin     0.00005
nIterWrite      100

The parameter’s name above will literally tell you what every single variables indicates in the simulation. For the post-processing as requested in this project, nIterWrite will write a solution plot and CSV file at speicifed interval of time integration number.